And I’ve moved…

April 7, 2010

Yes. Already. Corby informed me that I did this all wrong, so he fixed it and moved the blog to our server and some other things that I don’t really understand.

Check it out. It’s much nicer, I promise.

Thanks for visiting!

An Introduction

April 7, 2010

Welcome to my blog. I’ve started this site with the hope that it will become a place for me to write again, to write about more than just what’s going on in my day-to-day life. My family blog ( is sadly neglected, though it’s nice for posting pictures and the occasional life update. However, seeing as the grandparents read it, it isn’t really the place for me to post my ramblings. I also hope that this will provide a way for me to get more involved with all the wonderful people whose blogs I read every day. Having a home-base to link back to and for people to comment on will hopefully foster some conversations and friendships. I feel bad about constantly lurking, reading, but never giving back to the internet community of writers, moms, and photographers whose blogs I enjoy so much.

I guess now would be an appropriate time for me to properly introduce myself.  Here are some (hopefully) interesting things about me. I’ve tried to provide a good mix of basic and unique things, so that those of you who know me already might learn something new, while those of you I don’t know yet can get a decent grasp of the kind of person I am. 🙂

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